Our cooperation with a wide range of healthcare partners in Germany, Austria and Switzerland enables us to offer high-quality blood analyses nationwide.
These partners take blood samples and benefit from new sources of income and customers. As a partner, you take blood samples, which are then analyzed by our partner laboratory in Berlin.
Our partners come from a wide variety of healthcare sectors, but have one thing in common: they want to offer their customers meaningful added value.
Useful for finding out how to improve your body's energy balance and identify the causes of possible energy deficiencies in everyday life.
Biomarkers that only change when you are already really ill. No full blood values and no coherent interpretation.
What does the term "complete blood count" really mean? How does it differ from an aescolab analysis?
Watch this video to find out.
Unser einfacher Prozess nimmt dir den ganzen Stress. Einfache Buchung, Blutabnahme und hochwertige Labortests mit einem umfassenden Bericht und ausführlichen Empfehlungen zur Lebensweise.
Buche deine aescolab-Analyse direkt auf unserer Website.
Vereinbare einen Termin für eine Blutabnahme bei einem unserer Partner.
Im Speziallabor führen wir eine detaillierte Analyse deiner Biomarker durch.
Innerhalb von 14 Tagen erhältst du deinen individuellen Energiebericht als PDF per E-Mail.