Immune system & infections: 7 tips


Discover holistic immune-boosting strategies such as stress relief, sleep, and nutrition.

Immune system & infections: 7 tips

The immune system repels viruses

Nowadays, it is particularly important to support the immune system and the body's own defenses, because a healthy immune system is able to effectively fight off viruses. 95% of the immune system is in our intestines, which is why - as we generally recommend - you should pay particular attention to your intestinal health.

How do I take care of myself and my family?

My own family takes a wide range of nutritional supplements: We take important micronutrients such as zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, copper, iron and manganese: That means a small battle of pills, drops and powders in the morning after breakfast, but that is now simply part of normal life. We also consume good intestinal bacteria and high doses of vitamin D and active B vitamins every day. Secondary plant substances such as turmeric or incense are also a great addition.

In the morning, I start the day with a meditation session with Dr. Joe Dispenza and end it with a ten-minute breathing exercise using the Vagusvit app.

Drinking enough good water throughout the day is important for good body function: At home, we drink filtered, antioxidant water, which you can also find in our practice. We are happy to bottle you with this special water so you can try it out.

If the day was particularly stressful, I also treat myself to an infusion with vitamin C or amino acids to strengthen the immune system. Infusing your own blood with ozone is also always a good way to strengthen the immune system. We try to go to bed on time because the body's recovery time is between 10 PM and 2 AM. We also exercise (not excessively) and go to the sauna - unfortunately irregularly at the moment.


In my new slow cooker, we like to cook chicken soup or proper bone broth, plus lots of vegetables. We bake gluten-free bread and try to avoid inflammatory foods (such as dairy products and white flour products) as much as possible. Of course, that doesn't mean we have to say no to a good red wine. But in the current climate, drinking less alcohol is definitely a better idea.

In summary: 7 tips from us for you

We therefore recommend the following measures for the coming period, which complement the usual tips such as “frequent hand washing or better still hand disinfection” or “sneeze into the crook of your arm”:

  • Reduce your stress (this weakens the immune system in particular)
  • Go to bed on time (22-23)
  • Cook regional, fresh dishes with lots of vegetables and few inflammation-promoting foods
  • Drink at least 2.5 - 3 liters of water per day (if your health allows it)
  • Get out in the fresh air every day (go for a walk or exercise)
  • Develop a relaxation method that is right for you (yoga, meditation, breathing exercises)
  • Give your body the micronutrients/vitamins and intestinal bacteria it needs (we would be happy to advise you on this) or make an appointment for infusion therapy in our laboratory